About Us
At the crossroads of fading heritage and tomorrow's family legacies stands Buffalo River Co. Dorothy Williams Havens and Todd Evans founded it to honor the heritage alive within century-old tobacco barns and historic prints, transforming them into New American Heirlooms where future generations will build their own legacy.
Heritage lives in the marks that time leaves behind. At Buffalo River Co, we find it in places generations have touched.
Inside century-old tobacco barns - in posts worn smooth by farming hands, in beams darkened by a hundred seasons of curing smoke, and in timber where tobacco juices have seeped deep into the grain. Barns constructed from old-growth white oak trees where time-worn character was earned through the whims of weather and the curing of tobacco each fall.
In historical prints from the 1800s and early 1900s - in yellowed paper patina, corner creases from handling, and thumb tack holes from where they once hung – each print displays its uniquely American scene, bearing the time-worn character of its journey.
Our Story Journal shares the tales of heritage that we actively seek and discover. Each barn and antique print carries its own story, earned through original craftsmanship and artistic vision, infused with the journey of time and people.
Heritage Honored to Create New Legacies
For Tobacco Barn Revival, we transform hundred-year-old barn wood into farmhouse tables where new families will gather and create their own legacies. Every table is built on the heritage of what came before, as seen in the time-worn character of the wood earned through decades of supporting farm families through every season.
For walls that whisper history, Heritage Prints preserves authentic American moments, each bearing the marks of its journey through time.
Our eCommerce for Good Heritage Print Collection turns stories into action where 50% of each print's purchase price goes directly to worthy causes.
In our Nashville-area workshops, our craftsmen honor what time has created. Founded by Dorothy Williams Havens and Todd Evans, Buffalo River Co discovers heritage in century-old tobacco barns and historic prints, transforming each piece into tomorrow's treasured legacy.